
How We Treat Animals Reflects Who We Are

Does it matter how we treat animals?

More than and more people are questioning the means human beings use animals, and some are actively turning away from using animal products in their daily lives. Religious and non-religious people agree varying views almost the condition of animals, and of animal rights.

Explore the issues

Watch Shola as she explores religious and non-religious teachings almost the treatment of animals.

Animate being rights

Animal rights refers to the thought that animals should exist entitled to live lives that are costless from abuse by humans. In the Uk, there are laws designed to protect animals from cruelty . For instance, it is a crime to neglect or mistreat an animal, including when an fauna is being transported or slaughtered. It is also illegal to phase fights between animals for entertainment, or to examination cosmetics on animals. Some forms of hunting are also illegal and people tin can be fined or face up imprisonment if they crusade unnecessary suffering to animals.

The grouse shooting flavor runs from August to December on moorlands beyond the Great britain. The manufacture generates a lot of employment and income for rural economies, only is it right to kill animals for sport?

While almost people believe it is acceptable to use animals for food and wearable, increasing numbers of people are turning to vegetarian or vegan ways of living. This may exist due to the belief that animals deserve rights, the virtually basic beingness the right to life. Some people choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet out of concerns about the touch of meat and animate being products on the environment, peculiarly those produced by manufacturing plant farming methods. Too as food and habiliment, some people question the utilize of animals for entertainment and in experimental testing for cosmetics, household products, or medicines.

Evolution or cosmos?

Many religions view humans as superior to animals. For instance, Jews and Christians believe that when the world was created, God told humans to dominion over information technology, and therefore they can care for animals however they like. Non-religious people, such as Humanists, bespeak out that the Theory of Evolution presents a big challenge to the idea that animals were put on the world by God for us to use. How could animals have been fabricated for us to apply if we actually evolved from them?

Also, scientists are discovering that many animals are much more intelligent than we thought, and accept greater abilities to communicate. They feel pain, pleasure and even some emotions in similar ways to us. Scientific discipline shows us how closely related we are, in terms of our Dna, to many other species. This leads some people to conclude that animals should have rights, and that it is incorrect to treat them in ways that cause them to suffer, even if human beings benefit from it.

The British Egg Industry Council has strict rules about egg classification. To qualify eggs as gratuitous range, chickens must have access to the outside for at least 8 hours a twenty-four hour period.

Words of wisdom

What practice religions and non-religious literature and texts teach about our handling of animals? Click the picture below to find out.


Buddhists, Sikhs and Hindus believe that everything is connected through the cycle of birth and rebirth . Therefore, the idea of ruling over the animals is not a belief shared by these religions. Many of these believers live a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. Yet, some would argue that they value human life as higher than animal life because being reincarnated in human being class is idea of every bit being better than being built-in as an animal.

Animals as food

In some religions there are strict rules about the use of animals. For instance, in Judaism and Islam, animals must be slaughtered for food in very specific means by particularly trained religious people who will say blessings over them. Besides, information technology is forbidden to eat certain animals, like pigs. In Islam killing animals is only allowed in order to provide food. Hunting for pleasure is not allowed. Muslims may proceed animals as pets, although generally keeping dogs is not allowed unless for a practical reason, for example guarding livestock. Many Christians, Jews and Muslims believe that caring for animals is a very of import part of beingness a good caretaker for God's earth and some campaign for better treatment of animals, and even adopting vegan or vegetarian lifestyles.

Animals and beast rights in pictures

Buddhism - A monk caring for dogs

Buddhism - A monk caring for dogs

A Buddhist monk, Hul Houth Hab, from Kingdom of cambodia, adopts and cares for dogs abandoned by their owners. This reflects Buddhist conventionalities of showing loving kindness and compassion, too as the belief in the interconnectedness of all different forms of life. Why do some people believe those with a religious faith have a duty to care for animals?

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